Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Chapter 221 - Science Briefing

(Conference Room, Blackstone Station, Star’s Reach)

“So, someone explain to me what in the hell is going on?”

An uneasy silence fell over the crowd as they looked at each other questioningly. I had brought together some of the brightest minds and most connected individuals Black Star had to offer to try and figure out just what in the hell was going down. Oh, sure, some of them were busy working on the stuff we got from the alien space hulk, but that wasn’t the point of this meeting. There was craziness going down all over Known Space, and I wanted to know what it meant, or if anything like this had been seen before.

A discontented sigh came from one part of the crowd I was facing. My eyes were drawn to the spot. It was a Vrok scientist, sporting a slave collar. One of the Nomads I had captured before the system was open to the public, or something like that. What was his name again? Ah, yes, Tesla_coil.

I’d had reports about him. Apparently, he was brilliant as all hell, but his brilliance began and ended with Science (capital ‘s’). I wasn’t sure if he was roleplaying, or if he was really like that in real life, but he’d gotten a reputation amongst the science department for being the very best person to study new and ‘interesting’ scientific breakthroughs… as long as he was somewhere very far away. He was the reason the research base was being built in Beta Darconyx.

“Something you would care to add, Tesla_coil?”

The Vrok scientist did not get a contrite look on his face, like I had hoped would happen when I called him out. Instead, he just looked annoyed. “Well, it is obvious what is happening. We’re experiencing a galactic energetic phase shift event instigated by massive transdimensional siphonage and disturbances.”

When no one seemed to understand what he meant, he sighed, and said, “Fine, kiddie science time. Energy cannot be created or destroyed. It merely changes form. There’s some entropic loss during the translation, but that’s advanced material. In a closed system, this means that the total energy in a system is set, and cannot either increase or decrease.”

“Under normal circumstances, the universe is a closed system. However, the people in this universe have been twisting and turning the fabric of reality into new shapes for hundreds of years, if they aren’t just punching a hole in it. Sure, these rips and tears tend to disappear as quickly as they’re formed, since it is hard to force the universe to bend in a certain way, and have it stay bent. The universe is an incredibly resilient thing. However, that resilience appears to have limits, which have come and gone.”

I frowned as I considered what the scientist was saying. “What do you mean, ‘punching holes in the universe’? That doesn’t sound like anything I’ve seen in this world.”

Tesla_coil waved his hand dismissively. “Of course, you have. What the hell do you think those Transition Drives do? Or the Gateways, or these X’thari Anchor Drives? Hell, even the normal warp drives take physics out back and beat it like a bunch of schoolyard bullies. And that is not even considering the effects of psychic powers on the universe. Frankly, it is surprising something hasn’t happened already.”

“So, what you’re saying is that the various forms of faster than light travel are responsible for, what, wearing a hole in the universe?”

“Yes, yes. And the Transition Drives are the worst offender. Yes, the warp drives are playing with the fabric of the universe to cheat relativity, but they play mostly within the rules, and don’t cause nearly as much damage. We still don’t know how the Gateways or Anchor Drives work, but creating stable wormholes, or getting instantaneous travel to any point in the galaxy so long as one end of the trip is near a Gateway is clearly breaking the rules. How much damage is it doing? Who knows? For all we know, there are safeguards in place on those systems, so that they don’t have a lasting effect.”

“But the Transition Drives? They’re definitely breaking the laws of physics. Did you know that, when you use a Transition Drive, for an instant you are literally in two places at once? Do you know what that does to reality? At least the Anchor drives look like they take you out of reality before forcing you back in at a new location. And the Gateways ensure that each molecule is only in one place at a time. Sure, those places can be on opposite sides of the galaxy, but none of them have someone at two places at the same time!”

“Honestly! It is like someone was just TRYING to get the universe torn into itty bitty shreds. Which is why you have to let me get back to my research project! If I can find a way to replicate some of the Lost Technology discovered here in Star’s Reach, we could make the Transition Drive obsolete, or at least refine it so that it is not a threat.”

As the scientist finished his rant, General Khan spoke up. “Transition drives aside, what was that about Psychic powers being an issue? They aren’t exactly that powerful, for the most part. Certainly not as powerful as some of the man-portable weapons we have access to.”

Raven cleared her throat to interject herself into the conversation. “Ah, I believe I can explain that. As you are no doubt aware, any living creature is capable of producing psychic energy, which we measure in ‘Psychic Points’ or ‘PP’. Even some machines, like this robot avatar I’m using, are capable of utilizing psychic energy to some extent, due to conversion systems like the one I use to take in ambient energy and transform it into an approximation of psychic energy.”

“However, despite all living creatures having the potential for using psychic powers, the proportion of those creatures that actually are able to even just manifest the weakest Psy Power is something on the order of 1 in 100,000. Exact numbers are impossible to pin down, of course, but that is a close approximation.”

“Which is not to say that people are incapable of using their psychic energy. Anyone can use weapons or other items that require psychic energy to recharge, like your Psyber Pistol. Most do not have a large pool of PP to draw from, however, which makes using these kinds of items almost as limiting as having to use guns with physical ammunition, for instance.”

“It should be noted that there are some instances of unconscious activation of powers, or individuals using abilities that they did not know they possessed. These incidents typically occur in high-stress situations, or during life-or-death struggles. Usually, these powers only last while the individual is ‘in the moment’, but there have been records of people ‘unlocking’ the ability permanently. Current scientific journals identify these people as Latent Psy Users.

“Simply put, most creatures in the galaxy, while capable of using psychic energy, are incapable of using that energy consciously, without a structured guide limited to a single purpose, such as recharging a Psyber Pistol, for instance. Unlocking the skills needed to use Psy Powers appears to be something that people either have an innate ability to do, and this ability is not evenly distributed either in population size or in intensity, though there appears to be a genetic component to the distribution. Furthermore, training these skills and powers to the point where they can be effectively used in combat situations is not easy, even when one does possess the ability. Combat-capable psychics are roughly one in ten million individuals.”

Raven paused, and looked directly at me. “However, this is only the case for Locals. While there has been no hard science done, for obvious reasons, starting with the fact that they’re still so new to this world, it appears that Nomads have a higher than normal incidence rate of being psychically active than locals from the same background. Further, several Nomads have appeared to have far greater power and control over their abilities than many Locals. While scientific journals are still coming to terms with the existence of Nomads, there have been hypotheses that there is something in the genetic makeup of Nomads that makes them better psychic energy manipulators than locals, likely due to the nature of how they manifest in new bodies when they transfer to this world.”

Tesla_coil harrumphed. “You’re talking about Swiftbreeze’s Treatise on Nomad Biology, right? Bunch of unproven crap. He hasn’t been through the peer review process because he hasn’t even bothered to do the most basic testing! It is barely worth calling his work a hypothesis. ‘Wild guess’ would be more accurate.”

Raven shook her head. “At any rate, Psy Power usage is relatively rare, and refined usage is rarer. However, there is some evidence that part of the refinement process involved in learning the skill and gaining power in it is that it makes the process more efficient, and uses less ‘waste’ energy. Think about electricity. What is more dangerous, a live wire with the wiring exposed, lying in a puddle of water, or a wire that is properly insulated, twenty feet in the air? Even if the second wire was carrying ten times the current, it would still be a safer option to the first one.”

I nodded slowly that all made a certain kind of sense. The game developers no doubt wanted players to have a bit of an edge on the locals, even if they didn’t come out and say it. Everyone wants to feel a bit special when playing an RPG, after all. “All right. If that’s the case, what does this have to do with the current situation? Things appear to be focused primarily in Imperial space, after all, instead of spread out across Known Space.”

Raven shook her head. “There are three massive events that have happened relatively recently which could have a destabilizing influence on things, especially if, as Tesla_coil proposes, the fabric of reality was already weakened by many years of experimental FTL travel. The most recent, of course, is the destruction of the X’thari Harvester, along with a large portion of the X’thari Swarm that surrounded it. The psychic scream from the Harvester was enough to temporarily incapacitate every living creature in the entire system. The backlash of so many creatures dying at once had to have an impact on the energy of the universe.”

“Of course, another incident is the introduction of the Nomads to the universe. Their higher incidence rate of being active psy users means that the throughput of psychic energy being used and transformed from one type of energy to another has increased dramatically. Since energy in a closed system is fixed, the increase in energy being used, without causing issues elsewhere, suggests that the system is no longer closed, if it ever was to begin with.”

“The most wide-ranging event, however, would be the Imperial Civil War. It is impossible to overstate the impact the Civil War has had on the galaxy, no matter what metric you use to describe it. However, speaking solely about psychics and psychic powers, the Usurper and his Machine God, Deus, forcibly converted millions to his newfound faith. There is some evidence that this caused many of the new converts to become latent psy users at the least, and any latent users that were converted were most certainly turned into active users.”

“The largest population of these followers was on Earth itself, during the forced ‘upgrades’ the population was subjected to. Not long after, however, the war came to a close, with Greenwave wiping out most of the upgraded population. But a planet full of believers… where did that energy go when they died?”

I groaned out loud. I couldn’t help it. Here I was, so happy that I didn’t have anything to do with the latest round of insanity hitting the universe, but, no, I had to get drawn in to it. After all, I was the one who activated the Greenwave bomb in the capitol.

“Fine. I get why it is happening in Imperial space, then. So, what do we know?”

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Be sure to read my published works!

Frozen Soul series (Sci-Fi Supervillain story):
Frozen Soul -
Tales of the Void Traveler -
Memoirs of a Supervillain -

Rules-Free VRMMO Life (Dark Fantasy GameLit):
Volume 1 - Tutorial
Omnibus 1 - Volumes 1-4

Into the Black (Sci-Fi GameLit):
Book I - Game Start
Omnibus I - Books 1-4

City of Champions Online (Superhero GameLit):
Issue I - Origin Stories

Lewd Dungeon (Dungeon Core GameLit):
Book 1 - Welcome to the Apocalypse
Omnibus 1 - Books 1-4

The Kalipshae Affair (A First Contact Short Story):

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Prologue - Trade Chat

(NERV Game Site – Official DAtS Offline Forums)

Number5Alive, Golddigger, BurtBacharach, CrazyCelt, Blaze, DoYouEvenLyft?, MarcoPolo, MightMakesRight, l33tpally, Bennie, SEA-TAC_Sweetie, Requiesce-in-Pace, MacD, HaveGunsWillTravel, TheDespoiler, Guardian, GunKitty, Chummer, Inquisitor, Lizard, RedFox, SemiSolidSnake, ElfMama, Not_the_Face!, Anonymous3, Anonymous4, Anonymous7, Anonymous9, AggregatorOfSorrows, M.Mollen, WhiskeyTangoFoxtrot, DigDug, BigGunn, Dolcett, Starwatcher, Backlog, DarkAvariel, Knocker, Hullu_Kapteeni, GrimDark, BloodForTheBloodGod, Queen’s_Bitch, BackDat@55Up, DoYouEvenDPS?, MajorTom, Parca, and DarkAngel are in the chat.

Anonymous7: Heads up for those who are tracking the Black Stars. The Black Star Marines just returned to Star’s Reach from wherever they went, but Third Group of their fleet didn’t come back with them.
MacD: Huh. I would have thought that they would all return.
SEA-TAC_Sweetie: Maybe they got destroyed? Those ships were mostly supports for the mobile shipyard, right?
Chummer: Sure, that’s possible, but something that could take out those ships, but the Marines somehow escaped? I doubt it.
DarkAngel: Especially since you know there were at least a few Starbolts available to the group.
Anonymous7: Got a better look at the Marine craft. There isn’t any sign of battle damage. All Marine craft accounted for.
WhiskeyTangoFoxtrot: Well, that means they probably weren’t involved in a fight.
Knocker: How come? Could be they were just lucky enough to not get hit.
WhiskeyTangoFoxtrot: Any fighting bad enough that all of their Third Group got ganked would have dragged the Marine ships in, as well. They don’t exactly like running from fights.
Queen’s_Bitch: So where is that Third Group, then?
M.Mollen: Safe. And conducting their mission.
Starwatcher: What mission? Where did they go?
M.Mollen: Elsewhere. And what mission do you think my team of mobile builders would be doing?
BigGunn: Sooo… secret base?
DarkAngel: Why would he need a secret base? He owns a star system!
Anonymous9: To study Lost Tech artifacts he’s been hoarding! That was how he got the money for all of this. The Arena thing was a distraction!
M.Mollen: Wow, I have conspiracy theories about me now? I’ve really hit the big time!
Lizard: Still, you have to admit that you have had a disturbing trend of being at the right place at the right time. Too often to be random.
M.Mollen: It isn’t random. How many players do you know that have put together a fleet of ships? There’s a few, sure. Each of them has had more ‘events’ happen around them than someone just going solo, or in a squad with a single ship. Why? Because they’re out there, with more potential contacts.
Starwatcher: And none of them have the kind of contacts you’ve gotten.
M.Mollen: Mostly by luck. I got my ship because an idiot didn’t know I was cheating at cards. A lucky encounter had a princess fall into my lap, which spurred a whole host of troubles and opportunities.
Backlog: So, you’re saying that the rumors of a connection between you and the devs are false?
M.Mollen: They’re factually incorrect. My performance in the beta, combined with my situation in RL, made me the perfect test subject for a couple different systems. Sure, I had some lucky encounters, but those were the results of my work putting me in those situations to begin with, not the devs pulling strings.
Anonymous3: Any truth to the reports that you’re some kind of unique race?
M.Mollen: Not unique, but I’m likely the only player with this race. No, I won’t tell you what it is or the backstory. But basically, I had a start that was more disadvantaged than even those who started off as slaves.
Anonymous3: Bullshit.
M.Mollen: Believe me or not, it is your call. But it is the truth. I spent my first two weeks in game figuring a way out. I didn’t even know what planet I was on, until a week in.
Chummer: So, anyway, what are those ships doing out wherever they are?
Inquisitor: Nice subject change.
Chummer: Shut it. The guy streams, so you can see how he did most of what he did if you go through the logs. I want to hear about future plans.
M.Mollen: Well, I have some mad science types on the payroll, and I’m fine with them doing their experiments, but if one of them does something crazy, like opening a portal to a hell dimension, I want it to be on a nice, isolated facility that can be destroyed from a distance, instead of in a populated system. Doom was a fun game to play, but I’d rather not live it.
Blaze: Wait, is that really possible?
M.Mollen: We have ships that can travel light-years in an instant by tearing physics a new one, and psychic powers. I wouldn’t bet against it being possible to rip open a tear into another dimension.
TheDespoiler: The Immaterium beckons. The Eightfold Path opens before you, beckoning all who would turn to the salvation it offers.
GrimDark: Silence, heretic!
BloodForTheBloodGod: YES! Rip and tear the universe apart, and offer all for the glory of Chaos! Blood for the Blood God! Skulls for the Skull Throne!
Inquisitor: This heresy shall not go unpunished. Soon, all shall see.
Lizard: Well, that’s not ominous or anything.
MightMakesRight: But seriously, what are they researching that needs to be locked away?
M.Mollen: Punching holes in the fabric of reality for instant transmission between location, using power sources that could power a superdreadnought.
MightMakesRight: No, really.
M.Mollen: Really.
MightMakesRight: But… but why?
M.Mollen: Did you miss the part about mad scientists? They see things like the Gateways, and decide they want to learn how to make new ones, or some other ‘fun’ thing. I’m fine with them doing that, but I don’t want them anywhere near me when they do it.
Not_the_Face!: Hey, anyone got eyes on Earth? I’ve heard some disturbing rumors that something’s going down.
BackDat@ssUp: Not another civil war!
Not_the_Face!: No, nothing like that. There’re just rumors going around like mad. Something about an Awakening. Capitol A. I think something’s going down.
Inquisitor: So, it begins.
M.Mollen: I just want it on the record that, whatever it is, it is NOT MY FAULT! I’m not even in that arm of the galaxy!
Anonymous4: Defensive, much?
M.Mollen: Read this chat log again. Got plenty of reason to try and establish ahead of time that this is not my fault.

Previous Chapter                                       Table of Contents                                     Next Chapter

Be sure to read my published works!

Frozen Soul series (Sci-Fi Supervillain story):
Frozen Soul -
Tales of the Void Traveler -
Memoirs of a Supervillain -

Rules-Free VRMMO Life (Dark Fantasy GameLit):
Volume 1 - Tutorial
Omnibus 1 - Volumes 1-4

Into the Black (Sci-Fi GameLit):
Book I - Game Start
Omnibus I - Books 1-4

City of Champions Online (Superhero GameLit):
Issue I - Origin Stories

Lewd Dungeon (Dungeon Core GameLit):
Book 1 - Welcome to the Apocalypse
Omnibus 1 - Books 1-4

The Kalipshae Affair (A First Contact Short Story):

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Epilogue - Patch Notes 22.X

(Virtual Room in NERV HQ)

“So, what? They uncover a find of insane possibilities, and then proceed to just blow it up? What is he thinking?”

Isaac sighed at Morgan’s outburst. It wasn’t like he didn’t understand her feelings. After all, he really wished that someone had taken the time to examine the wreck of the T’ler and fully unlock all of its secrets. The dev team had taken a lot of time and put in a ton of work adding all sorts of Easter eggs, references, and homages to different works on that ship. To have it just unceremoniously blown up was disappointing, to say the least.

However, it isn’t like he didn’t understand why Mollen had ordered the strike. He shook his head, and tried to explain, again, to Morgan, “He didn’t have a choice, sweetie. Not as far as he could tell. The players weren’t meant to find this secret yet, not until they were stronger, and could potentially cleanse the T’ler of the bioforms. Then, it would have been a treasure trove of scientific research for whoever claimed it.”

“But the Black Stars found the thing way too early. Tech hasn’t improved enough to get to a point where the forces were able to easily defeat the bioforms. Seeing their resilience and how dangerous they were, Mollen made the call that they were, simply, too dangerous to leave on their own. Unfortunately, there was no way to realistically quarantine them, and no one knows how long it would take for them to die off. It was a disaster waiting to happen, really.”

Morgan was not so easily consoled. “But think of the marketing! There were whole revenue streams we could have introduced with this setup! They had a board game ready to go, this survival horror exploration game where you have to escape the evil space ship without getting killed by the nasty alien killing machines. And there was a computer game tie-in, too! Hell, even the tabletop department was looking to cash in! They had some idea of using the bioforms as one team in some kind of wargame setting, with different miniatures for different units.”

“Uh, honey, the tabletop guys were joking with you. There’s already a wargame. We used it as inspiration. The bioforms were an homage to that game. Filing off the serial numbers and changing a few things to make it an homage to another series is one thing. Doing a competing game? No way. We couldn’t have done our own wargame without getting sued.”

Morgan’s avatar visibly deflated with the news. “What? Damn it. Is there anything else in the game that we might get sued for? Just so I don’t get my hopes up.”

“Well, if we had put it in, then the Chaos Brigade would be problematic, for sure. They’re based on that same wargame I was mentioning. But they’re a player-based group, and not something we’re responsible for. Even if they are trying to make their eightfold path a religion in the game.”

“Ugh. Well, at least the religion can’t do anything to damage the rest of the game.” Her eyes narrowed at him. “Wait a minute. I know that expression. What is it? This player religion can’t actually affect the game world, right?”

Isaac took a moment to readjust his collar nervously. “Well, not at the moment. But, with the way things are set up, psychic energy does have some… well, channels and flows, you might say. And it is possible, though not very likely, that enough energy over enough time in the right sort of way could… push the boundaries of what the channels might be able to handle, and create a spillover effect. Might not be exactly the event that they want, but they’d definitely get something happening.”

Morgan groaned. “Fine, fine. Write it up, and let me know what could happen. So, the Black Stars found a massive surprise for the entire game universe, and promptly blew it up. All before anyone could actually get on board and actually study the thing, to find out its secrets and maybe advance the tech base of the game universe considerably. So none of those boosts are coming any time soon. Did anything good come out of this?”

“Well, the Black Stars did manage to get the T’ler’s database, so that isn’t too bad. Unfortunately, they’re going to find that, once they find a way to connect to it and translate it, that the majority of the information is corrupted, or horribly out of date. Like, star charts over ten thousand years old. Sure, stars don’t change relative position to one another that much in time, but any planets around those stars? That’s enough time for entire civilizations to rise and fall.”

Morgan groaned. “Damn it, they already have star charts. And dead civilizations are the last thing we need to introduce more of into the game at this point. Is there anything in there that they can actually use to move copies and get people buying game time?”

Isaac frowned. He knew that Morgan was just under pressure. The higher ups were happy with how the game was going, but they were ‘concerned’ with the lack of monetization, feeling that NERV was leaving a lot of potential profit on the table by not introducing more monetization methods. So far, the dev team had been able to hold them off, keeping a cash shop out of the game. So far.

Frankly, he felt it was a better game without the shop, but the marketing department had a vice president who really wanted to squeeze every dollar out of their properties. He had been the guy who basically made a gambling model for the company’s soccer game, with its “Super Team” card packs. The dev teams hated him, but the shareholders loved him, so there wasn’t anything they could do about him. Unless… no, Murder was certainly an option, but it was too messy, and he was too pretty for jail. Well, that, and the fact that he wouldn’t get to be involved in the game if he was locked up.

Still, that wasn’t Morgan’s fault. She was just the messenger. “Well, there is the Artifact that the Black Stars recovered, along with the database…”

Previous Chapter                                       Table of Contents                                     Next Chapter

Be sure to read my published works!

Frozen Soul series (Sci-Fi Supervillain story):
Frozen Soul -
Tales of the Void Traveler -
Memoirs of a Supervillain -

Rules-Free VRMMO Life (Dark Fantasy GameLit):
Volume 1 - Tutorial
Omnibus 1 - Volumes 1-4

Into the Black (Sci-Fi GameLit):
Book I - Game Start
Omnibus I - Books 1-4

City of Champions Online (Superhero GameLit):
Issue I - Origin Stories

Lewd Dungeon (Dungeon Core GameLit):
Book 1 - Welcome to the Apocalypse
Omnibus 1 - Books 1-4

The Kalipshae Affair (A First Contact Short Story):

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Chapter 220 - After Action

(Conference Room, Blackstone Station, Star’s Reach)

Slave-Major Selanar Irabalar stood at attention in front of the people seated at the table. Behind him, Captain Hardbrew, Lieutenant Sharel, and Corporal Hicks were also present. That wasn’t what concerned him, though. What concerned him was who else was at the table.

General Chris Khan was the overall leader of the Black Star Marine Corps. He was the Nomad that had joined the Black Star Company back when its navy was barely more than a handful of Assassins and one pocket carrier. He had literally built the Black Star Marine Corps from the ground up, and scuttlebutt said that he based the whole thing off his own experiences in the Nomads’ world.

Selanar had been attached to the Space Guard as part of a Confederate Marine detachment before Jagloth. His story wasn’t any different from many others. Usually not one to run from a fight, he’d still seen the writing on the wall early on. The Legion Plague spread too easily. There was no way the military was going to be able to stop it, short of destroying the planet. When he came to that conclusion, he sold himself into slavery to get his family off that planet before the Legion took over completely, like many others did. And, like many others, he’d been taken up by the Black Star Company, and his combat experience launched him to becoming the leader of the Second Company of Black Star Marines.

So, he’d seen the organization that General Khan had put together, and he was proud to serve in it. Prouder still to be leading one of its companies. If the Confederate Marines had been organized half as well, then they might have actually had a chance at stopping the Legion on Jagloth. Maybe. But that organization only took hold because the man over the General let it, which was damn rare for someone in control to actually let the people who knew what they were doing do their jobs without bright ideas from higher.

Which is what made Admiral Mollen all the more an enigma. Everyone knew that the Nomad CEO and Admiral was a playboy and disregarded the common sense of the world. And yet, he didn’t act like the newly rich typically did. Nor did he try and puff himself up and make command decisions he wasn’t qualified for, just to show that he was in charge. There were even rumors that, back in the Nomads’ world, he had actually been an engineer in one of their world’s navies! Not even a chief engineer, but one of the people who actually got their hands dirty on a regular basis!

The Admiral was sitting next to the General, looking at them. He’d only met the man once, but that was in his persona as the CEO of the Black Star Company. Everything regarding the Marines went through the General. At the time, he’d been acting like your typical playboy bigwig, same as in any other stretch of the universe. But now, he was in the Black Star Navy’s uniform, and sitting straight.

The Admiral spoke. “As you know, it is Black Star policy that any action resulting in more than twenty-five percent combat losses is subject to a mandatory review, so that we can learn from it, and not make the same mistakes in the future. At this time, after reviewing the evidence brought before us by the data recorders in the Marine combat armor, it is the conclusion of the General and myself that Second Company performed as well as could possibly be expected under the circumstances. As such, no penalties or censure will appear in your records.”

Selanar had to fight from letting out a sigh of relief. The number of Marines killed in action may have been just barely above the twenty-five percent threshold, but when taking the critically wounded into consideration, it rose to almost thirty-five percent. Walking wounded brought it to fifty-eight percent. Not shining numbers, by any stretch of the imagination.

The General spoke next. “Ship-board combat, especially in an unknown vessel, shares many similarities to urban combat. The only difference is that you have fewer snipers on a ship. These actions always run the risk of turning into bloodbaths, especially when fighting on someone else’s home turf. Your company performed well, given that they were literally going into unknown territory, with no intel on what they would be facing. So, we’re going to work on finding ways to better prepare for things like this in the future.”

Selanar frowned. “In the future, sir?”

The Admiral nodded. “While we did destroy the T’ler and the alien bioforms that were nesting in it, we have to assume that both parties are not alone in the universe. The T’ler may have been designed around an old Earth space probe, but someone built the thing. And those aliens didn’t just sprout from nowhere. The T’ler fought an unholy battle in Beta Darconyx, and we can’t assume that it managed to render the aliens extinct, save for those that got on board. So, we’re working from the assumption that these groups are still out there.”

The General nodded, and said, “That’s why we’re going over the artifact Alpha squad secured, the memory cores of the ship, and the suit combat data. But raw data only accounts for so much. Combat reports from those actually in the field are just as important, if not more so. The Navy has already had a briefing with the bomber pilots, to go over the combat data of the ship’s destruction, but you all were on the ground, as it were, so we want to hear from you. Take a seat, all of you, and let’s work this.”

(Black Night Saloon, Blackstone Station, Star’s Reach)

I sighed as I slid into my seat. The Black Night Saloon was a bar catering to the Navy and Marine forces stationed in Star’s Reach. The owner was actually the mother of one the captains in the Star’s Reach defense group, and was originally from Dembara, a rustic frontier world in the Confederacy, and the bar was billed as an ‘authentic Dembaran experience’. Whether that was true or not, it was the best place for drinks on the station.

Sheila shook her head. “Honestly, you act like you’ve been hard at work all day. Only a couple meetings, and you act like you’re going to collapse. Don’t tell me thinking strained your brain.”

I eyed the Princess as she sat next to me, the rest of the harem sat around me. She’d been getting a bit snippier of late. Probably because I’ve been too busy with administrative and military matters to spend as much time with the girls as I normally did. I’d have to handle that before she got even more out of hand.

I heard a snerk, and turned my gaze on General Khan. “Oh, laugh it up, Chris. You don’t think I haven’t heard about your ‘issues’ with that little lady you picked up on Dimiya?”

“Fine, fine. But you’re the one who decided to go and start a harem, so you have to deal with the consequences.” The General chuckled as he leaned back against his chair. “So, what do you think of what we found over there?”

I shook my head slightly, as a waitress came up to get our order. Once everyone had ordered drinks, I said, “There’s plenty to take away from the whole thing. First, no matter what we might think, we’re definitely nowhere near the top of the food chain when it comes to tech. Unfortunately, we can’t prep countermeasures for either the shipbuilders or the aliens until we know more about them, and we won’t know that until we can get into the memory devices, since we blew the ship and everything on it to their component molecules.”

Cali shook her head. “Well, I’ve seen those combat logs from the Nomads that were fighting. Those beasties are tough to kill, and are natural killing machines. I didn’t notice any worn armor or equipment, and their claws aren’t exactly made for manipulation. I don’t know how they could get into space, unless they have some kind of biological ships like the X’thari do.”

Jaynie shook her head. “Nah, these were just shock troops. I bet they’re some kind of hive species, you know? Soldiers, especially shock troops, don’t need to be the smartest or able to manipulate tools. They just need to be able to take down the target when it is in range. There’s plenty of species in nature who have used barely intelligent individuals as cannon fodder before.”

Raven added her thoughts to the discussion, “There’s also the consideration that we may be dealing with a devolution, in a sense. There’s no telling how long the ship has been derelict, but our best guess is somewhere on the order of twenty or thirty thousand years. That is plenty of time for a species to devolve when forced into a situation of cannibalism and limited breeding partners.”

Shearah blinked “Twenty or thirty thousand years? But, didn’t the Traveler probes leave Earth only a few hundred years ago?”

I groaned, and said, “Time travel. It has to be fucking time travel. Don’t know how the probe did it, but somehow it must have gotten thrown through space and time to somewhere else. Time travel always gives me a headache when people talk about it. The paradoxes involved when, inevitably, some idiot decides to try and start changing things are enough to drive a man to drink. I’m putting a solid rule down: no time travel experiments. I don’t care WHAT data is on those memory banks, under no circumstances am I authorizing time travel experiments. I don’t want the damn universe to unravel because someone wants to go back and, say, kill Hitler before he started the Nazi party on Earth.”

Carissa frowned. “But, surely, a noble goal like that would be worth pursuing? Think of all the lives saved!”

I shook my head. “But it doesn’t end there. It never ends there. If you intervene and change history for one thing, where do you draw the line? Just this thing, but not the other? Why Hitler and not Stalin? Why Stalin and not Genghis Khan? Why not save Julius Ceasar? Introduce medicine to make King Tut live a long and full life? All of these sound like good ideas, right?”

“But that’s where the trap lies. You never just change the one thing. There’s always ripples and knock on effects as you see how that one decision affects twenty others. Everything is connected. Removing one man from history to save a few thousand lives may result in a new chain of events, where humans annihilate themselves before ever leaving Earth.”

I could see Carissa and Shearah looking at me with disbelief. “OK, here’s just one possible outcome. Say Hitler doesn’t come along to create the Nazi party. The Germans are still bitter about the end of World War I, but, without a charismatic leader to act as a lightning rod and focal point, the movement takes longer. Say, twenty or thirty years longer. Meanwhile, technology continues to advance. So, when the next war starts, it begins with Germany, who kept the likes of Einstein and other intellectuals in their borders, fielding rocket artillery that is able to decimate enemy positions, with Paris coming under bombardment mere hours after war is declared. But that isn’t the worst of it.”

“In secret, the Germans have been working on a new kind of weapon, one that could avenge the wrongs done to them at the end of the Great War. The other nations have not been idle in their works, but they don’t have the results of the German ‘brain drain’ they had in our timeline, meaning their work is all far behind Germany’s. So, instead of allowing them to get bogged down in a two-front war, Germany unleashes nuclear Armageddon upon London and Moscow, wiping their major opposition off the map in a flash of light. Their spread through Europe, is uncontested in the shock of what has happened. And then they set their sights on Africa, and Asia.”

“Or perhaps the war is delayed, and spies are effective enough that, when the second great war comes, both sides have nuclear weapons. Perhaps they even have missiles tipped with nukes, capable of reaching their enemies, no matter if there’s an ocean between them or not. But there hasn’t been a Hiroshima or Nagasaki, and they haven’t realized the truth of Mutually Assured Destruction. There’s still people who believe that they can ‘win’ a nuclear war. And then that war comes, and man is wiped out.”

I looked at the ladies. “All of that, because you went and stopped Hitler from leading the world into an insane war. And that is only one of the possible futures. One of many possible ways that time travel can screw everyone in the name of saving others, or ‘doing the right thing’.”

The waitress returned with our drinks. I took a long swig of mine, and relished the burn of alcohol in my throat. “So, no. There will be no time travel on my watch. Anyone attempting crap like that will be purged, with prejudice. They’ll be lucky to just get thrown on the Amazon world.”

Previous Chapter                                       Table of Contents                                     Next Chapter

Be sure to read my published works!

Frozen Soul series (Sci-Fi Supervillain story):
Frozen Soul -
Tales of the Void Traveler -
Memoirs of a Supervillain -

Rules-Free VRMMO Life (Dark Fantasy GameLit):
Volume 1 - Tutorial
Omnibus 1 - Volumes 1-4

Into the Black (Sci-Fi GameLit):
Book I - Game Start
Omnibus I - Books 1-4

City of Champions Online (Superhero GameLit):
Issue I - Origin Stories

Lewd Dungeon (Dungeon Core GameLit):
Book 1 - Welcome to the Apocalypse
Omnibus 1 - Books 1-4

The Kalipshae Affair (A First Contact Short Story):

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Chapter 219 - Evacuation

(T’ler, Beta Darconyx System)

“Team Two, fall back! Team One, cover fire!”

They were falling back through the halls, heading for the bow. The freakish blue-violet monsters from some grimdark fantasy were after them at every step, however. There was no way they could fight all of them, so they retreated. But they didn’t retreat into the massive main corridors. That would have been foolish. Instead, they entered the maintenance shafts, as they had before.

The smaller creatures still followed them, but there was no way that the big creatures could enter the maintenance shafts. Even if they could, they would be sitting ducks for her Marines. She liked the idea of them being stuck in a tiny space, unable to avoid rocket fire. It was a much happier picture than those behemoths in the open, able to bring their full strength and power to bear.

“Lieutenant! We’ve got contact with Alpha! Patchy, but enough for a locator beacon.”

Sharel smiled as she heard the report. She’d ordered Alvarez to talk to Alpha’s Nomad, and see if they couldn’t toss a repeater or something into the maintenance shaft nearest them, so they had a better way of navigating than just hoping they were going the right way. Fortunately, the material the ship was made from didn’t completely absorb signals. Sure, it degraded them massively. At this distance, they should have near zero latency for realtime communications, with crystal clarity. The fact that they could only manage a nav beacon was telling.

“Right, now that we know where we’re going, we need to hurry the fuck up. Gomez, I want those instant cement grenades rigged up so the next time we fall back, we can trigger them behind us. Give us some breathing room so we can move full out for a bit, hopefully leave these bastards behind until we can get to Alpha.”

“Copy, LT.”

Team Two fell back past their position. Team One opened fire as the aliens tried to charge their position. Bullets and plasma ripped through the darkness, and forced the vile creatures back. She looked to Gomez, who nodded once. “Team One, fall back! Gomez, HIT IT!”

The instant cement grenades were more properly called X-4 Crowd Control Grenades. They worked by basically causing two materials to mix together and explosively expand like a foam, which would then harden to a strength much like concrete. Crowd control was a misnomer, since any crowds caught in the radius would likely be dead, or trapped until they could be chiseled free. It was, however, great for instant barricades, which is what they needed now.

She waited until the barricade hardened, just to be sure that none of the aliens got through before it could stop them. None did. With a sigh of relief, she turned to her marines. “All right, Beta Squad, double-time it! We need to get to Alpha so we can get the hell out of here!”

(T’ler, Bow Section, Beta Darconyx System)

“Artifact secured, Captain. Drop ships returning to pick us up.”

Captain Hardbrew nodded. “Acknowledged.” That was one worry off his plate, then. Switching channels, he called out to his Nomad. “Harkness, what is Beta’s status?”

“Beta’s Nomad reports comms are sketchy, but the beacon got through well enough. They used the instant barricades to gain some separation. Can’t count on it holding for long, but they’re hustling to try and make it to us.”

Another piece of good news. Oh, wondrous day! Hardbrew nodded. “All right then. Advise them that we’ve got a swarm of the nasties between us and them, but we’re holding the door open for them.”

“Captain, Beta reports multiple sightings of massive alien bioforms they’re calling Behemoths. Thirty to forty feet tall, otherwise built like the nasties we’ve been facing. Apparently, one of the ones they faced survived multiple heavy launcher strikes before it was finally brought down.”

Captain Hardbrew had to fight to keep the sigh out of his voice. He should have known that it wasn’t going to go that easily. “Well, isn’t that just lovely.” Shaking his head, he said, “Copy that, Harkness. We’ll keep an eye out for them. Do they have an ETA?”

“Fifteen minutes at current pace.”

Hardbrew frowned. Fifteen minutes? That was damn fast, considering the amount of ground they had to cover. “They must be pushing their suits’ enhancements to the limit, even with microgravity. They’re practically flying!”

“Negative, Captain. They’re using their grav belts, it seems. Kick start off the deck for initial thrust, and set the belts for constant acceleration in the direction you want to go. The problem will be when they need to stop, but this should allow them to get a solid lead on their pack. Maybe enough time to deal with ours and load up on the shuttles before they catch up.”

Hardbrew chuckled. That had to be from one of the humans. Possibly Beta’s Nomad. No gauz or knelfi would come up with a plan that crazy, especially when it hadn’t been tested. But humans were definitely crazy like that. “Clever. I’ll have to remember that.” He made a note in his HUD to offer a commendation to whoever it was that came up with the tactic. If they could get more efficient gravity devices, that could open up all kinds of new tactics for the Black Star Marines.

He turned his attention to the front, where the damned aliens were trying to swarm his defensive line. There were dozens of bodies on the ground. All alien, thank the Ancestors. They had been expecting the attack, not taken by surprise like Delta had been, and they’d already switched from ship weapons to heavy weapons by the time the first nasty thing showed itself.

There were dozens of dead aliens, but it looked like there were dozens more swarming the corridors. Suddenly, his external microphones detected fire coming from in front! Part of the background functions of the armor’s HUD used the mics to triangulate incoming fire. That hadn’t been a problem so far, since the aliens didn’t seem to have (or need) guns. Which meant…

“Alpha Squad, Alpha Squad, this is Beta Actual. Beta Squad reporting in. We’re advancing on the attackers from their rear. Count four-six alien bioforms between us and you. Confirm?”

Hardbrew’s grin grew feral as the communication came in patchy, at first, but then gained increasing fidelity as it went on. “Beta Actual, this is Alpha Actual. Confirm report. Glad you could join us! Survivors of Charlie and Delta confirmed evacuated already. Cut through these freaks, and we can get off this hulk. The Navy is getting itchy trigger fingers. They’re upset that we’ve been having all the fun!”

“Understood, Alpha Actual. See you soon.”

(BSMS Orgrim’s Hammer, Beta Darconyx System)

“Captain, the Marines are reporting in. Charlie and Delta squads have evacuated successfully. However, they are reporting sixty-seven percent casualties, including thirty-five percent KIA. Nomads Corporal Hicks and Sergeant York have been sent for respawn, leaving a sergeant in command of the combined group until they return.”

Slave-Captain Sehanine Darkbow shook her head slightly as she saw Slave-Major Irabalar flinch at the casualty numbers. She subvocalized over a private channel. “I was with the Jagloth Space Guard before the Legion. Trust me, it never gets easier, when you find yourself taking heavy losses for the first time. Day it does is the day you get yourself reassigned.”

“Yeah, I know that. Just didn’t expect we’d be taking such casualties on what looked like a dead space hulk. I just hope that whatever we got from this was worth it.”

“Well, we’ll let the science crowd figure that out. But initial reports indicate that the Artifact may have some keys we’ve been missing for augmentation and power generation. Might be able to make your marines better, faster, stronger. And maybe even neural interfaces for pilots. That’d allow the hotshots to do things that no normal person could pull off.”

“Have to be damn careful with that. The Legion and Deus both showed what can happen when you get augmented without having proper safeguards in place. Don’t think any of us would like to see Black Star walking that road.”

Captain Darkbow nodded. It was hard to argue against that point. “True enough. None of us would be here if it weren’t for the Legion, after all. Still, it is hard to ignore the potential benefits for Black Star if we were to embrace augmentations.”

“Perhaps. But the augmentations should be made in such a way that we have definite controls in place to prevent the problems. Rushing in will put us further behind the curve, instead of allowing us to jump ahead of it.”

“Captain! Alpha Squad is reporting in. Alpha and Beta have linked up, and have loaded up on the drop ships. Reporting fifteen percent KIA, all survivors accounted for. Drop ships have cleared the ship, now identified as the T’ler.”

“Understood, Lieutenant. Commander Shields, my compliments to the Dykhaniye Smerti, and confirm that all friendlies are clear of the ship. They may fire when ready.”

(BSN Dykhaniye Smerti, Beta Darconix system)

“Captain, the Orgrim’s Hammer has reported in. All friendlies clear from the ship.”

Slave-Captain Scott Cook smiled grimly. The situation was nothing to be happy at, and yet he couldn’t stop a bit of satisfaction from entering his voice as his Smerti was once more entering combat, even as little as this promised to be. Since they had surrendered to Black Star during the Civil War, the only combat his ship had seen was the defense of Nuevo Edo during the X’thari attack. His fighters and bombers had more than proved their worth, but as a support fleet, Third Group was fated to rarely see combat. Unfortunate, but those were the realities of war.

He took a breath, and focused on the screen in front of him. “Very well. Contact Inferno Leader, and inform her that she may begin her attack run. Wipe that ship from the sky.”

(Inferno Leader, Beta Darconix System)

Captain Sarya Heixina, call sign ‘Threnody’, licked her lips in anticipation. It was no secret within the Black Star Navy that being assigned to Third Group was a cushy, low risk job. After all, the group’s entire reason for being was to basically support the Nightforge and protect it while it conducted whatever jobs it was doing at the time. In practice, that meant a lot of combat air patrols in systems that already had other Navy units present, leaving the fighter pilots with little in the way of excitement, even if they did gain plenty of stick time.

That was just the fighters. For the bomber pilots, things were actually even worse! After all, no one needed bombing runs in secure systems most of the time. Fortunately, Command had recognized this, and essentially used Third Group as the training corps for their fighter squadrons. New recruits would complete their initial training, and then by assigned to one of Third Group’s squadrons, for ‘on the job’ training. Sometimes, seasoned pilots would rotate through after an engagement, to ensure that the squadrons weren’t completely filled with new recruits.

Which explained why Threnody was here. She’d been temporarily reassigned as Inferno Leader, giving her some ‘on the job’ training in squadron command after her promotion. They wanted to see if she had what it took for squadron command before giving her Tiamat Squadron, the bomber squadron that was going to be based on Blackstone Station in Star’s Reach. Of all the defense fleets, that was the one guarding the Black Star Company’s new headquarters, their seat of power in the galaxy. She was determined to prove herself.

“Inferno Leader, CAG. Marines confirm all friendlies are clear of the ship. You may begin your attack run when ready.”

YES! Finally, she was going to be able to show what she could do! Keeping her excitement out of her voice, she responded, “Copy, CAG. Inferno Squadron beginning our attack run.”

Switching channels, she spoke to her pilots. “All right, Inferno, listen up! We have a big target over there with a lot of really nasty aliens that Command wants eliminated with extreme prejudice. This ship survived after taking a beating that likely reduced this entire system to rubble, so we aren’t taking any chances.”

She paused, and said, “We don’t know what kind of punishment their outer hull can take, so we’re going to fire through the same holes the Marines used to get onto the ship. Working theory is that even whoever made this ship didn’t put as much armor on the inside as they did the outside. Target data is in your computer. We have not detected any shields or point defense, and power is supposed to be fluctuating internally, so we shouldn’t have any problems. Fire one Starbolt each on my mark.”

She waited until all eleven of her pilots confirmed their orders, and double-checked the computer guidance. Everyone was ready. She took a breath, pulled the trigger, and said, “Inferno Leader, Fox Three!” Eleven other voices answered her as they, too, fired on the derelict ship.

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Be sure to read my published works!

Frozen Soul series (Sci-Fi Supervillain story):
Frozen Soul -
Tales of the Void Traveler -
Memoirs of a Supervillain -

Rules-Free VRMMO Life (Dark Fantasy GameLit):
Volume 1 - Tutorial
Omnibus 1 - Volumes 1-4

Into the Black (Sci-Fi GameLit):
Book I - Game Start
Omnibus I - Books 1-4

City of Champions Online (Superhero GameLit):
Issue I - Origin Stories

Lewd Dungeon (Dungeon Core GameLit):
Book 1 - Welcome to the Apocalypse
Omnibus 1 - Books 1-4

The Kalipshae Affair (A First Contact Short Story):