Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Prologue - Trade Chat

(NERV Game Site – Official DAtS Offline Forums)

Number5Alive, Golddigger, BurtBacharach, CrazyCelt, Blaze, DoYouEvenLyft?, MarcoPolo, MightMakesRight, l33tpally, Bennie, SEA-TAC_Sweetie, Requiesce-in-Pace, MacD, HaveGunsWillTravel, Guardian, GunKitty, Chummer, Inquisitor, Lizard, RedFox, SemiSolidSnake, ElfMama, Not_the_Face!, Anonymous3, Anonymous4, Anonymous7, Anonymous9, AggregatorOfSorrows, M.Mollen, WhiskeyTangoFoxtrot, BigGunn, Dolcett, Starwatcher, Backlog, DarkAvariel, Knocker, Hullu_Kapteeni, GrimDark, BloodForTheBloodGod, Queen’s_Bitch, BackDat@55Up, DoYouEvenDPS?, MajorTom, Parca, and DarkAngel are in the chat.

Anonymous7: Damn, it is a helluvalot easier to get a slot running the megadungeon in the Horus system now that the Chaos Brigade has pissed off somewhere else!
DarkAngel: I heard that they were basically camping the dungeon and not letting anyone else in while their people were running it, but was it really that bad?
Chummer: Worse, actually. They had it effectively locked down until they got the money for that warship of theirs.
Anonymous3: Damn, big guilds throwing their weight around like that make me sick. Should put a size limit on them.
Bennie: Never gonna happen.
MacD: Yeah, that would basically kill the game for a lot of the high-end players, leaving just casuals. You can’t build a game for the long term on just casuals.
BackDat@55Up: Yeah, but without the casuals, the game won’t grow.
BigGunn: Dev post over on the forums said that they’d be looking for ways to ‘discourage’ that kind of thing in the future.
Knocker: Is that why the Governor in charge of Horus just got the sack?
Queen’s_Bitch: The sack? He got his ass punted out the airlock, literally!

TheDespoiler has entered the chat.

Golddigger: Looks like there were corruption charges that got filed, and the Empress is still cracking down on stuff like that, since that’s the kind of thing that led to the civil war in the first place.
DarkAvariel: Hmm. So, doing what ChaosBrigade did won’t work in the Empire any more. What about the other governments?
Number5Alive: Not likely to be a problem in the Confederacy, since they generally try to crack down on corruption more.

Digdug has entered the chat.

DoYouEvenDPS?: The Alliance is too fractured, but they aren’t likely to go for that, since anyone sitting on the dungeon might be able to get more power and/or influence than the government. Well, at least on that planet.
MacD: Probably going to be expensive as hell to try it in Consortium space, especially if you aren’t playing a Gauz. The damn space dwarves treat all outsiders like trash.
WhiskeyTangoFoxtrot: The Ihm would simply attempt to kill you for making the offer, since that would offend their honor or caste structure. Unless you’re a female Ihm with a plan for the proper exploitation and cultivation of the dungeon, don’t even bother.
TheDespoiler: Man, it is weird to come on here and see people talking about you. Is this what the Black Stars deal with all the time?
Parca: Yes.
MajorTom: Oh yeah.
HaveGunsWillTravel: Yep!
Guardian: Definitely.
Hullu_Kapteeni: Affirmative.
Bennie: I’ve been getting that picture, yes.
M.Mollen: You get used to it.
Digdug: You filthy cheater! I’ll have you know I’ve already sent individual tickets for each member of the company and for each ship lost because of you!
Chummer: Who are you?
Digdug: Leader of the Crimson Sun Company. We tried to go to that new colony that opened up, and the bastard treated us like dirt!
M.Mollen: No, you came to my planet, tried to claim my property as your own to avoid paying taxes, and threw a week long hissy fit when my people told you no. So I threw you and your company out of the system on pain of judicial enslavement. Then you came back.
Digdug: We got killed as soon as we left the system, because you wouldn’t let us use the Gateway!
M.Mollen: If you hadn’t been such a dick, then maybe you wouldn’t have gotten tossed out. And it isn’t my problem that you didn’t purchase a protection plan for an escort to the next system.
Chummer: So, you ganked them outside the system?
M.Mollen: Oh, heavens, no! That would be unethical. I simply mentioned to another party that three ships full of dumbasses would be leaving the system, and hadn’t paid me to care about what happened to them outside the system.
TheDespoiler: The Eternity of Pain’s crew enjoyed the target practice, and the fun of taking the ships.
M.Mollen: After which, quite a few members of the Crimson Sun Company respawned on Star’s Reach, where they were found in violation of their eviction orders, and sentenced to 12 months judicial enslavement.
Digdug: See! He admits it! He’s nothing but a filthy CHEATER!

GM_8675309 has joined the chat.

GM Post: Game Masters have reviewed the relevant logs of this incident, and found no instances of any player violating the terms and conditions of the EULA, or using any exploits in the game code. The cheating tickets have been closed.
GM Post: Game Masters also note that spamming support tickets for the same incident constitutes a violation of the EULA (Section 6.234.7: Harassment). Members of the Crimson Sun Company have been warned for this behavior.
Digdug: Fuck that, how can you let them get away with this shit? You fucking shill! How much is that cheater paying you to suck his cock?
GM Post: Abusive language towards GMs is not permitted. Good day.

Digdug has been banned from the chat for 1 week.
GM_8675309 has left the chat.

M.Mollen: Have I mentioned that I really can’t cheat, since the GMs watch my streams closely, since I am a streamer and part of the medical testing program?
Blaze: Hey, getting away from that, can anyone tell me what the heck is going on over by Coldana? There’s all kinds of rumors about ships going missing heading to the system, but I haven’t heard anything solid about what is happening there.
Anonymous3: I’ve been trying to figure that out, myself. We haven’t had a single ship reach us here in over a week. Usually, there’s at least four or five a day, if not more.
AggregatorOfSorrows: Pirates? Does the Consortium have a pirate problem?
Anonymous3: Well, everyplace has pirates, but even the local black-market types don’t know shit about what is going on. If it weren’t for these chats and the forums, I’d think the whole rest of the game had died.
M.Mollen: Anon, I hate to say it, but it sounds like you’re fucked.
RedFox: Yeah, it is just a question of what kind of fucked you are.
Inquisitor: You know, commerce raiding is up all over, recently, but I haven’t heard any talk of who is behind it.
M.Mollen: The unknown commerce raiders are probably X’thari. Black Star ships have spotted and destroyed at least one group of them in Confederate space.
GrimDark: So maybe the problems around Coldana are X’thari?
Guardian: Maybe. Could also be that Shadowgate decided to get expansionist all of a sudden. I don’t think anyone in the game has managed to actually get there and see what is going on in that system, have they?
SemiSolidSnake: The Gateway is blocked somehow, and somehow they manage to interdict and destroy ships coming the ‘slow’ way before they can even get into the system. Don’t ask me how the hell they do either of those things.
GunKitty: Probably have some Lost Tech.
M.Mollen: So yeah, Anon, you’re fucked. Whether it is Shadowgate or the X’thari, you’re fucked, unless the Consortium manages to scare up enough of a fleet to defend the system.

Previous Chapter                                       Table of Contents                                     Next Chapter

Be sure to read my published works!

Frozen Soul series (Sci-Fi Supervillain story):
Frozen Soul https://www.amazon.com/dp/B071R125QT
Tales of the Void Traveler https://www.amazon.com/dp/B06ZZ52G37

Rules-Free VRMMO Life (Dark Fantasy GameLit):
Volume 1 - Tutorial
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B071VPRNDB
Omnibus 1 - Volumes 1-4
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0774T354X

Into the Black (Sci-Fi GameLit):
Book I - Game Start https://www.amazon.com/dp/B071LT5WGL
Omnibus I - Books 1-4 https://www.amazon.com/dp/B077X2KR7Y

City of Champions Online (Superhero GameLit):
Issue I - Origin Stories https://www.amazon.com/dp/B075SHXQS1

Lewd Dungeon (Dungeon Core GameLit):
Book 1 - Welcome to the Apocalypse https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07BB34DHF
Omnibus 1 - Books 1-4 https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07FBPF6HR

The Kalipshae Affair (A First Contact Short Story): https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0739V6R6T

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