Thursday, April 20, 2017

Chapter 6 - Learning Your Place

Guards arrived to take me from the tube, and a nurse from their medical wing came to make sure I got cleaned up. Since this area was less likely to have devices actively checking my Psy usage, I risked a couple hits of Mindread to glean the surface thoughts of my ‘creators’. What I found out was illuminating.

First, I was a ‘guest’ of the Terran Empire. From the game information I’d read, they were basically the Roman Empire meets Manifest Destiny with a healthy dose of human supremacy for flavor. When humans first went about colonizing space, Earth was in charge of it all, until people started moving to other solar systems. The kind of people you get to go on generation ships, like you did with the first colonies, weren’t exactly ‘follow orders from lightyears away’ types.

Following the first of the Breakaway Wars, where a lot of people died so that various groups could tell Earth to go fuck themselves, the United Nations was disbanded, and the Terran Empire was born. It was only when humans started running into aliens that they stopped fighting each other. Well, they didn’t fight each other as much.

There were six main factions in the game, and only five of them were allowed for players. The Terran Empire was human controlled, and militaristic, and more than a little totalitarian. Oh, and something like 99% of nonhumans in the Empire were slaves. Needless to say, it was not a great place to be if you didn’t have power. I expected that there would be some players who would love being here, if only to try and fight their way to the top.

The Confederation of Allied Planets was a multiracial group, led primarily by the Knelfi, a race of skilled Psy manipulators who looked a lot like elves from old fantasy games. Other small groups, like the avian Vrok and the aquatic Iserb both made their homes in the Confederation. More than a few human worlds had joined, as well. The Confederation wasn’t inherently militaristic, but they kept a sizeable fleet, primarily to use against pirates and to keep Terran aggression down.

The Ihm Imperium was another warlike place, but it had less focus on totalitarianism or the like, and more on a caste system and a lot of warrior’s pride. You’d be hard pressed to find better or more honorable warriors than the lizard-like Ihm. Of course, their warrior caste’s obsession with honor and glory meant that sometimes they lost battles because of pride. But still, they were the one group that the Terran Empire walked softly around, especially since the Confederation was on the other side of the Empire frokm the Imperium.

The Consortium was a faction that only had a few planets controlled by it, but had influence in pretty much every system in the game. They were a merchant and trading guild, ran primarily by the Gauz, a heavy-gravity world race that could be compared to Dwarves. At any rate, they boasted some of the finest craftsmen, and their merchants could basically go anywhere they liked. Their mercenaries were less well liked, but they were at least respected. Mostly.

The Free Worlds Alliance formed the last player faction, and the only other one with a significant human presence. This faction was basically a loose alliance of individual planets that pooled resources for defense, but generally just wanted to be left alone. Since each system (sometimes each planet in a system) was basically the equivalent of an independent city-state, this left a lot of room for potential profit, freedom, and abuse. This was the wild west of the game, or at least as close as it got in Known Space.

The last faction wasn’t really a political group at all. It was the X’thari Raiders, from the Beta mission. They were basically nomadical space pirates that preyed on anyone they could. Fortunately, X’thari usually moved only in groups of one to three ships, mostly frigates. Good for hunting shipping or lone military vessels, but not enough to take on capital ships. The eight-ship cruiser formation in the Beta was a rare thing. Every so often you would see a Hive attack, usually about fifty ships. That needed a fleet to counter. The worst, though, was when something caused a Swarm. Hundreds of ships, all destroying anything in their path. The last one to form caused the Imperium, Confederation, and even the Empire to join forces to wipe them out, and the battle had been far from bloodless on their side.

The second key piece of information I discovered was that, as expected, I was in a top-secret lab used for projects that were patently illegal, even in the Empire. Like creating Chimeras. Seemed that there had been Chimeras used in the Breakaway Wars, and things had been… bad. One planet had been overrun by Chimeras and had to be put down. As in, slag the place from orbit and then salt the earth so nothing will grow there again. You know, the normal kind of thing that gets people to agree to interstellar arms treaties.

However, I learned that not only was I still in the Empire, but I was actually on Luna. This lab was in a black section of a military base here, which was used as the Academy for naval recruits. This was both good and bad for me. Being on the moon meant that it was much easier to track everyone that came and went, so I’d have to figure a way to break out of the high security section of the base, and somehow get on a ship heading out of the most secured sector of Terran space.

The third, and most important piece of information I learned is that no one really knew what I would be capable of, certainly not so soon. They expected to have to spend months training me to be ‘combat effective’. The people I could read didn’t know what I’d be doing, but with what I was capable of, assassinations, swapping myself for an official, or causing general mayhem all seemed to be high on the list of possible missions.

After I was washed, the nurse dressed me in a simple black skinsuit with some boots, and a pair of red bracers that fit over my forearms. They adjusted to fit my body, and I was surprised by the prompts I got.

Terran Military Skinsuit
This skinsuit is given to trainees in the Terran Imperial Navy for shipboard operations. The lightweight, once-size-fits-all composition is resistant to tears and punctures, and the nanotech in the suit will eventually repair itself and clean stains in time. Typically worn during boot camp or in long-duration deployments, usually under other armor. This is the basic model, and comes with lightweight gloves. Specialized models will have different abilities.

+10 Physical Armor
+2 CON

Terran Military Boots
An old Earth warrior once said that an army marches on its stomach. While your average grunt would agree, they would also complain that their feet are used quite a bit as well. The basic Terran Military Boot is designed to keep the wearer’s feet dry, while providing support for the foot and enhanced traction in a variety of conditions.

+2% to movement in difficult terrain
+2% land speed
+2 END

Terran Prisoner Bracers
While superficially similar to the bracers provided to trainees in the Terran Military, these bracers are designed for military prisoners. They function like the normal bracers, providing a low level of energy shielding, and access to a pocket space. However, they are configured so that a control signal can force the bracers together and lock them there, also locking out the attached inventory at the same time.

+10 Energy Armor
1 cubic meter of storage space


You have gained your first holding item, allowing you to access your inventory. Your inventory goes in an extradimensional pocket space connected to a device. You may have extradimensional spaces, if you have devices to support them. Losing the device loses access to anything stored in that space. Each device has a limit to its carrying capacity.


Armor in Dreams Amongst the Stars comes in two forms: Phyiscal and Energy. Needless to say, physical armor protects against physical blows, such as bullets, while energy armor protects against forms of energy, like fire. Incoming damage is mitigated by armor (after any appropriate Psy resistances are applied).
Armor ratings now unlocked on your character sheet.


The normal ‘Beta package’ gear is hidden in your bracers’s holding space, but you’ll want to wait until you’re somewhere… not here to review it or it may get confiscated.

--The Devs.

I had to force myself to keep from grinning at that note. Looks like I wasn’t going to be completely defenseless forever. I’d wait until I saw what I was given before deciding on my next course. First thing I’d need to do, though, is get a new set of bracers. My escape would get cut short real fast if I couldn’t use my hands.

Still, it was good to be dressed again, even if the suit left absolutely nothing to the imagination. Beefcake and cheesecake galore in the Terran Navy, I guess. But it makes sense, if this was basically an underlayer to wear beneath armor or a ship’s suit. Come to think of it, when I was in Beta there might have been something like this, but I was always under a time crunch, and didn’t have time to check things like this.

I was taken to what looked like a cross between a condo and a prison cell. I noticed that there were no windows, and the door locked from the outside. Inside, it was set up as a simple one bed, two bath apartment with a living area and a kitchen/dining area. Basically, the kind of place that wouldn’t be uncommon for many people living in a city. Of course, I noticed several discrete cameras filming the room. But it was suspicious. Why have such a room for me, instead of something more cell-like?

Once I’d had a few moments to familiarize myself with the space (but not enough to get bored or start poking around for secrets), the Major entered, and had the two guards leave. Now that I wasn’t being watched as closely, I risked an Analyze on her.

Nicoline Renault
Level 20 Human Female
Faction: Terran Empire
Rank: Major (Imperial Investigation Service)
Titles: <Redacted>

REDACTED? Aw, fuck. Could be that my Analyze wasn’t high enough level, but I was betting it was simpler than that. The spook had some spook skill that allowed her to edit what was shown to people who analyzed her. Hell, Nicoline Renault might not even be her real name. Probably wasn’t, if we were on a deep black site.

Which begged the question, why was their ‘specimen’ being held in a nice apartment instead of a cell?

The Major began speaking as she moved to sit in one of the chairs in the living room area. “Sit down. My name is Major Renault. You will address me as either Major or Ma’am. Is this understood?” Her tone was brisk, clearly the no-nonsense kind of person who expected to be obeyed. Hardass type. Wonderful.

Moving towards the other chair, I sat down, and decided to continue the act of being a ‘newborn’. I pointed at her, and said, “Ma-jor.” Then pointed at myself, and said, “Who?” Might as well know what they called me.

“Officially, your designation is Experiment 1829. As your training progresses, we will give you a new designation.”

“What am?”

The Major sighed, and said, “Let’s worry about that once you’re able to talk correctly. There’s a lot to go through now, so we’ll get to that later. Now, you are property of the Terran Empire, so you have to follow the orders of any member of the military, understood?”

“Yes.” Yes, I understood. Understanding and intending to comply are two different things, entirely.

“Good. Now, let us begin.”

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